Coding for kids at OIC Hub Coding school.
Coding is quickly becoming an essential academic skill, right up there with reading, writing, and arithmetic. Today, kids are growing in a technologically advanced world surrounded by computers, the internet, smartphones & applications. Learning to code will have educational benefits for your kids and develop their computational thinking, creativity, logical thinking, and problem-solving ability.
Why Coding for Kids?
Like with most things, starting early gives one an edge over others. From that point of view, an early exposure (ages 5 and above) is recommended as kids have good grasping power at that stage. This initial learning in coding also helps them when they opt for Computer Science (CS) at a later age.
Learning to code is like learning a new language for kids. Childhood is a great time to start learning programming concepts. Young kids can learn languages faster and easier than adults because their developing brains are made for learning. Learning to program helps kids develop the analytical skills that will not only benefit them in school but also help them stand out from the crowd in the job market.
Why Choose OIC For Coding for Kids?
At OIC Hub Coding School, we offer a variety of computer programming courses to build coding skills in kids. We take a straightforward approach, teaching real text-based code in a manner that even 7-year-olds can understand.

At OIC, our expert trainer will analyze each student and their capabilities to bridge the gap between wanting to code and becoming an expert in the field. The uniqueness of our training stems from the fact that we teach children real text-based programming from day one in an easy and game-like manner. Our courses and curricullum are user-friendly and intuitive so children can jump right into them without needing an introductory course or previous coding background.
Register your kids for our weekend coding camp. Through the weekend coding camp, your kids between the age of 7 to 20 will be introduced to computer programming.
We have the below courses available for the kids:
– Python
– Web Development
– Scratch
Venue: 32, Asiwaju Omidiran Way, Orita Sabo, Osogbo
Admission Fee: 30, 000 NGN
To Register visit